Sunday, May 22, 2011

Getting Familiar...

My first blog post so I'm trying to as the title implies get familiar with this, please be patient...

Today is Sunday and besides laundry and cleaning I also have some baking I'd like to be tackling. But yet I'm still trying to find the energy to do any of this. As some of you may know if you follow my Facebook page yesterday was very hard for me and I find my mind and body still recovering from all of it. The heat drained my body and the sites and smells have drained my emotions to the core.

I woke up early to head to Savannah to go to class and then come home to grab a quick breakfast/lunch. All the while trying to find the courage to do what it is I told myself the night before I was going to do. I had planned to go out to Loonie Farms Animal Rescue to be supportive of one of my husbands High School friends that I knew was going to be having a hard day. I knew in my heart if I was going through what she was going through I would want someone there to support me. Knowing it wouldn't be easy cause I had read the articles for the past week about the situation that had been building out there I decided I would bring my camera and if something moved me I'd shoot it. So I did. By the end of they day I didn't take as many photos as I thought I would have nor as I maybe wanted to. The images I did capture however are sad and may be disturbing to some, but I hope they are a reminder to many of the fact that animal abuse and neglect is something that shouldn't be tolerated.

Top Photo: Fur all over the ground of the property...
Bottom Photo: Mass Grave Site of about 74 Animals they found that had been murdered and left on the property.
For more photos feel free to visit:
I'm truly glad I found the courage to go and take my camera with because I made a new friend and learned a valued lesson in life... one about how precious lives really are especially those of mans best friend. Needless to say my boys (dogs) are getting extra love and affection from me today. Every time I see those brown and blue (Scout has two blue eyes) eyes staring up at me I just want to hug them and never let go!