One being Pam, whom I have known since 2004. We met because we were both hired to open, set up, and work at the Birch Run Michigan American Eagle Outfitters Store. We clicked instantly and through all my moving around the United States we have stayed in touch all these years. And this past January she honored me by asking me to be her son's God Mother. She is an amazing woman and I'm a better person for knowing her.
The other being Gayla, whom I've known since 2006. We met through a mutual friend and then found out that she happened to also be very good friends with my roommate at the time. Gayla is the type of person that will be there for her friends and family at the drop of a hat when they need her most. She will sacrifice for them even if it means putting their needs before her own. She has seen me through the lowest points of my life and helped me get through them. I can honestly say I may not be on this earth today if it wasn't for her. She is one of the most loving and caring people I've had the pleasure of knowing.
All of this being said...
This past memorial day weekend I had the great pleasure of getting to see Gayla again. I hadn't seen her since leaving Oklahoma to move to Georgia in November of 2008. And though we talk on the phone multiple times a week, it just isn't the same... On Thursday afternoon I picked her up from Savannah International Airport and our excitement was overwhelming us both. We spent the weekend laughing, crying, and reminiscing together. Needless to say it was amazing!
While here I of course took her to a few of my favorite places.
We went to downtown Savannah on Friday to see the sights. The one thing I knew I had to do was take her out for lunch to The Lady and Son's. Gayla adores The Food Network and Paula Deen so this was the one thing she said that she really wanted to do while she was here, the rest she said we could just play by ear. So Friday was spent enjoying amazing food and some downtown shopping. We wandered from store to store just looking around and enjoying being together again.
Saturday we went back downtown later in the day with my husband in tow for dinner. After dinner my husband and I took her to one of our favorite places, Savannah Smiles. Savannah Smiles is a Dueling Piano Bar and a lot of fun for anyone who enjoys music and a great atmosphere.
Sunday morning Gayla and I woke up a little late due to being drained from the prior two days. But we knew where we were heading and the mission at hand. I had one thing in mind and that was the beach! My favorite place in Georgia, maybe even more than Savannah is Jekyll Island! Some have even compared it to sort of Southern Martha's Vineyard. So once we had most of our beach stuff loaded up we hit the road. Stopping along the way to Publix (Where Shopping is a Pleasure (and let's be honest it is!)) in Brunswick to pick up some Sub Sandwiches and snacks for our picnic lunch. We then got down to Jekyll around 1 or 2 p.m. and all things considered that wasn't horrible timing. The beach was the busiest I had ever seen it, then again it was a holiday weekend. Still not nearly as crowded as Tybee would have been I'm certain. The tide was out, but coming in rather quickly. We laid in the sun for a while and realized we were going to need a umbrella, so we ran up to one of the beach side gift shops and found a decently priced one and got it. Around 6 p.m. or so the tide was beginning to leave us with very little beach left to sit on. So we packed it in and I decided to go show Gayla the Historic District of Jekyll Island and the spot where my husband proposed to me. After that we headed up to Driftwood Beach and took some photos. Then ate some snacks and what was left of our lunch before packing it in for the night and heading home. (Needless to say though I had never been to Driftwood Beach, but I can't wait to go back. If I can find a way to force myself up far before the sun and get there in time it will make for an amazing place. Sunset is rough due to the shadows the trees cast, but none the less it is still stunning. And this is by far the undiscovered beauty I am referring to in the title of this blog... If you would like to see more on Driftwood Beach I invite you to visit: and view The Beauty That Surrounds Us Album.)
On Monday Gayla and I headed back to downtown Savannah to have lunch with our friend Tammy who had also flown in from Oklahoma for the weekend to spend time with one of her friends that was visiting the area for the weekend. We ate lunch at Five Guys Burgers and sat outside at the park and just talked and caught up.
Tuesday morning I woke up with the biggest pit in my stomach knowing that I'd be taking Gayla back to the airport and saying my goodbyes. Once she was awake and showered though I gave her a pedicure. We played Monopoly Deal while waiting for her polish to dry between coats. And waiting for my husband to get home from taking his finals. Once he was home we all played another hand of monopoly deal and then headed off to the mall to pick up prints of the photos we had taken while she was here so she could take them home with her. From there we took her to the airport and we had our heartbreaking goodbyes. Before we went in I had my husband snap some shots of us in front of the fountain outside, even then it was all I could do to not cry. As I type this now I have tears pouring down my cheeks thinking about it. I miss her terribly!
As always thanks for reading!
Ashley Berto
I love u too my smashes. Thank u guys for a wonderful weekend. Love u & miss u a crap ton!